"Brewery near me" is a popular search to find local breweries worth visiting. Breweries are venues that brew their own beer on-site and serve itto patrons, and they may or may not also serve food. You may also beinterested in "craft breweries near me." A craft brewery, also called anano-brewery, produces beer in small quantities with an emphasis onexperimental and bold flavors. Keep reading if you want to findbreweries nearby in Portland and Seattle.
Pup Passport is a digital brewery passport that helps you find dog-friendly breweries. Not only that, but you'll get a discount at thebrewery just for showing your passport. Finding nearby places to grab apint of beer with your dog has never been easier. Pup Passport has over50 craft beer locations that you can visit in Portland Oregon, plus over20 in Seattle Washington.

Portland Breweries
Portland Oregon breweries are a major attraction in the Rose city. Portlandis Oregon’s biggest city and sits on the Columbia and Willametterivers. It’s known for its bridges, dog-friendly culture, and of courseits many microbreweries. With over 70 breweries in the city alone, it'sno surprise that the region is heavily influenced by the craft beerindustry.
Portland even has its own official brewery passport to help youfind breweries nearby, called Pup Passport. The appropriately namedpassport program only features dog-friendly breweries, and many beerlovers use the passport whether or not they own a dog.
Popular Portland breweries include:
- Rogue
- Breakside
- Threshold Brewing & Blending
- Stormbreaker
- Ecliptic
- Level Beer
"And while the passport calls itself Portland, it’s generous with that boundary, pulling in further afield breweries such as Wolves & People Farmhouse Brewery in Newberg."
Seattle Breweries
Seattle Washington breweries are a major attraction in the PudgetSound area. Seattelites flock to local craft breweries in increasingnumbers, and many are even dog-friendly. Seattle is often thought of asthe big brother of Portland due to how closely their cultures arelinked. Both cities have a similar political climate, similar weatherpatterns, are both known for craft beer and dog-friendliness.Seattle sits on the Puget Sound in the Pacific Northwest just 3 hoursnorth of Portland. It is surrounded by water, mountains, and hasthousands of acres of parkland. Seattle is Washington State’s mostpopulated city, partly due to its booming tech industry.
Seattle has its own official brewery passport to make iteasy for you to find nearby breweries to attend. The appropriately namedPup Passport only features dog-friendly locations, and boasts 50% offyour first beer at 20 locations.
Popular Seattle breweries include:
- Lagunitas
- Great Notion
- Redhook
- Old Stove
- Bad Jimmy's
- West Seattle Brewing Co.